*In case you do not know: Last week a teacher unexpectedly passed away. The principal asked me to finish out the school year in her computer lab. So, I am working full time at the school, keeping my own business going, being a mom of four and continuing my writing. Therefore, I am using this blog to journal the next 5 weeks because everything I have been teaching you on choices to have less mess and stress I will have to put into practice.
My Monday actually started last night at 5 p.m. After a wonderful morning of worship and an afternoon of rest in the sun, the family and I started preparing for our week. And I was actually pretty proud of everyone for their effort.
(Part of surviving the next five weeks will only work and be enjoyable if it is a family effort. Last week I made a chore chart for each day of the week so every one knows their responsibilities. We had a family meeting to discuss how important it was for everyone to pitch in.)
At 5 pm on Sunday, laundry was sorted and ready to be washed. The boys finished up the yard work since we had been out of town. My girls cleaned up their toys and pulled out their outfits for Monday. Even my five year old packed her bag for granny's house, shoes and all.
After such a great group effort, we all sat down for dinner at 6 p.m. Of course after dinner, everyone helped with clean up (it is on the chore list) and I even packed my lunch for today. Following dinner, bath rotation and devo time started.
I even got in an ab and leg workout while talking to my mom on the phone. (which is easy since she does most of the talking. Love ya, mom.) Plus all the laundry was washed and sorted by person so they can put it up when they get home today. (tip: I start with the smallest and fastest drying loads and end with the biggest and slowest drying load)
Even though I was in bed on time, 5 a.m. came very early. My body is still adjusting to 5 a.m. instead of 6 a.m. I was able to be ready by 6 a.m. and get the kids up to get ready. Even with one extra person in our house, we were ready to leave at 6:30 am. All beds were made and house was neat (because of cleaning up last night). We will come home to put up laundry and fix dinner.
My commute is 45 minutes to the school. It is a great time to crank up the worship music. Listening to the words of the song and watching the sunrise over the beautiful fields is a great way to start the day. And thanks to technology, I read a couple of Psalms on my phone. No, I was not driving. And just before arriving, I used the chorus of Brandon Heath's song, Give Me Your Eyes, as a prayer for myself. It is so important that I truly do see each of these students through God's eyes and let God use me to reach them.
Now, it is time to sub. My goal today is to figure out some desk workout moves since I am sitting at a desk more. Plus be there for any kid who needs me. And I am very excited I only have this job today.
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