Today, I am not going to talk too much. I want you to do the writing. I just have a few guidelines.
I would like for you to print or use as an example the Choice/Consequence Journal. It is on my website on the Soul page underneath the study links heading.
I want you to use two pages to answer these two questions.
1.What is a choice you have made in your home that has had a positive spiritual impact on your child(ren)?
2.What is a choice you have made in your home that has had a negative spiritual impact on you and your child(ren)?
After you finish, spend time talking to your Heavenly Father. Be honest about your answers and with God. What changes in choices do you need to make to have a more positive and less negative impact? And remember, God does not condemn, He convicts. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, but do not let the the devil tear you down.
Proverbs 4:6
Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.
April Action Plan
To put it all to action.
April Week 2 Action Plan
Choose to start a Choice/Consequence Journal
3 By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
4 through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
5 A wise man has great power,
and a man of knowledge increases strength;
6 for waging war you need guidance,
and for victory many advisers. Proverbs 24:3-6
April Week 2 Day 3
Choose to read a Deut. 6 and use the "Our Home's Prayer" to help you pray for your home and children.
Choose to exercise. Get outside.
Choose to do a Family 15.
Choose to get a good night's sleep.
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