Here are some more questions to use to write in your Choice Consequence Journal. Remember they are not to make you feel bad or condemn you. I want you and myself to learn from our previous choices, good and bad, and use that wisdom in the future. Let's be good students and learn from God's teaching.
1. What is a good choice I have made on my physical health? Bad choice?
2. What is a choice I have made about getting or not getting rest?
3. What is a choice I have made on making or not making my home a place of refuge?
4. What is a choice I have made on choosing to make or not make God a priority?
Use the Choice/Consequence journal sheet to answer each question. Just click on the link to my website. It is on the right hand side under Study links.
1. What is a good choice I have made on my physical health? Bad choice?
2. What is a choice I have made about getting or not getting rest?
3. What is a choice I have made on making or not making my home a place of refuge?
4. What is a choice I have made on choosing to make or not make God a priority?
Use the Choice/Consequence journal sheet to answer each question. Just click on the link to my website. It is on the right hand side under Study links.
April Action Plan
To put it all to action.
April Week 2 Action Plan
Choose to start a Choice/Consequence Journal
3 By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
4 through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
5 A wise man has great power,
and a man of knowledge increases strength;
6 for waging war you need guidance,
and for victory many advisers. Proverbs 24:3-6
April Week 2 Day 4
Choose to read the passage above and claim it as truth. Choose to believe, know it and apply it.
Choose to exercise. Get outside.
Choose to put up the laundry.
Choose to get a good night's sleep
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