But tonight I am asking myself if I am learning from my bad choices? Or do I still continue to make the same dumb choice knowing the consequences?
As usual, God has been teaching me as He uses me to teach my son. As God gives me the words to say to my child, I realize they are for me, too.
Today, my child made a bad choice on where he choose to sit which led to one more stupid little bad choice. But, unfortunately the consequences have been big. Now he has recognized the consequences of his choices. In a very mature way, he owned up to them and sought forgiveness. At the same time, the enemy was tearing him down. All of this led to a discussion of learning from our bad choices.
So, here is what God taught me while I was teaching my child:
- We have to take responsibility for our choice no matter how little it may be.
- We need to evaluate the consequences of our choice. (Remember the Holy Spirit convicts not condemns.)
- We need to apologize to those affected by our choice even if they do not realize how they were affected.
- We have to choose if we want to learn from our choice.
Most likely we think we learn, yet we seem to soon forget and the bad choice repeats itself. So, how can we truly learn from our bad choices?
I am going to start a Choice/Consequence Journal. As I make the right choice and reap the benefits, I will record it as an encouragement of making the right but not so easy choice. I will also record the bad choices and the consequences to serve as a reminder if the choice comes before me again. Please also record the consequences of days when you put your focus on God and the days you choose to loose focus. Not only will the journal help you, it will be a teaching tool for others.
So, who is with me? Who wants to truly learn from our choices?
Choice/Consequence journal available on website: http://www.bodysoulandhome.com/discography.html
April Action Plan
To put it all to action.
April Week 2 Action Plan
Choose to start a Choice/Consequence Journal
3 By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
4 through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.
5 A wise man has great power,
and a man of knowledge increases strength;
6 for waging war you need guidance,
and for victory many advisers. Proverbs 24:3-6
April Week 2 Day 1&2
Choose to read a Proverbs 24:3-6. Do you have wisdom? Learn from your past choices to have wisdom for the next war.
Choose to exercise. Get outside.
Choose to clean up the kitchen.
Choose to get a good night's sleep.
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