What a glorious holiday we were able to celebrate!! Oh how I love worship on Easter morning. It keeps my blood flowing and my heart pounding. How great is our God!!!
But, my dear sweet friend, does the power and excitement of Easter morning have to stop? Do you and I walk away from the cross and forget? Do you celebrate the empty tomb and then turn away?
So, maybe we do not forget the cross and grave, but do we give it the focus, the celebration in our daily lives it deserves? Why are we not celebrating and worshiping Christ for his death and Resurrection everyday like it is Easter?
Stop for a moment and think about it. If you and I start everyone morning with our own glorious and powerful Easter worship, how would it effect our day, our life? Coming before God, sitting at the cross of forgiveness, and shouting out praise for the new life we have. Wow! My heart is pounding just thinking about it. Do you not desire to experience your own powerful, daily worship?
Let's do it. You and I are going to choose to come before the cross and grave daily. We are going to experience God as we worship Him daily. As we worship, we will be reminded that Satan has no hold and we are not defeated. You and I will know everyday how much God loves us!
Let's not just choose God, but let's CHOOSE GOD!!!!
Start with this worship song (Ps Share your favorite worship song with us. Leave a comment, I will find it):
April Action Plan
To put it all to action.
April Week 1 Action Plan
I will choose God daily by reading His word, prayer and being still to listen.
Exodus 15:2
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.
April Week 1 Day 2
Choose to sit in the sun while you worship the Son..
Choose to read Psalm 138 as a prayer
Choose to get out and go for a run, walk, skip...just get up and get moving.
Choose to pick up the most messy room in your house..
Choose to get a good night's sleep.
To put it all to action.
April Week 1 Action Plan
I will choose God daily by reading His word, prayer and being still to listen.
Exodus 15:2
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.
April Week 1 Day 2
Choose to sit in the sun while you worship the Son..
Choose to read Psalm 138 as a prayer
Choose to get out and go for a run, walk, skip...just get up and get moving.
Choose to pick up the most messy room in your house..
Choose to get a good night's sleep.
I'll Fly Away
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