Monday, November 8, 2010

Choose To Stop Being A Baby

First, let me apologize for our journey having to take a pit stop. Now I am back and hope you join me again. Below is just a reminder of where we were in our journey. But I do have one thing to add before we begin this week. It may step on your toes, but these words come out of love for you and my desire for you to have the life with God He has planned for you.

You and I can no longer make excuses about our choices. Based on our age and the fact we know enough about God, we should be making better choices. As your child grows up, you expect them to become more mature and responsible. A 10 year old should not be in diapers and drinking from a bottle anymore. My dear friend, you and I should not be that 10 year old wanting someone to put a bottle in our mouth. It is time we choose to grow up, stop waiting for others to take care of our problems and stop being selfish like a newborn infant. It is time for you and I to grow and mature in our walk with God and for our lives to reflect and glorify Him.
(Again these words come from my love for you and these words are for myself too)
Choose God
1.Choose to study John 15 this week.
2.Choose not to hit the snooze and spend 10 minutes in prayer.
3.Choose to give up 30 minutes of TV time, facebook or reading time to spend in God's Word.

Choose a Healthy Body
1.Choose to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep. Set a bed time so you can get up to pray.
2.Choose your cardio exercise for this week (minimum of 30 minutes a day) and 3 days of toning.
Maybe a workout during a TV show or a walk during lunch or during your child's practice.
3.Choose to plan healthy sit down dinner meals for the week (even if you have to pick up already cooked meat and fresh veggies)

Choose to make it God's home
1.Choose to have a weekly family prayer time and scripture. Schedule a once a week family prayer time before bed or maybe in the car if you have a commute.
2.Choose to schedule chores for everyone and have a Family 15 at the end of the day to pick up.
3.Choose to have at least 4 family meals this week. Schedule it and let everyone know.
4.Choose to remember that everything (family and home) is a gift from God. Treat it that way.

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