(Before I began, let me say a few things. Unfortunately there are times in our life or a loved ones life that cancer or certain illness comes upon us. There is nothing we can do to prevent it and we may never understand why or how a person contracted the illness. The discussion below does not include these things. I am only discussing the things we can prevent or control by our choices.)
A verse quoted often is the 'ask and you shall receive.' But are you and I asking God to answer our prayers concerning our health and strength when we make choices to hinder our own health? Do you ask for strength for the day after we choose to stay up late watching pointless television or surfing the Internet? Do you ask for healing of an illness but not make lifestyle changes that will cure the problem? Are you waiting on God to heal and give you strength or is God waiting on you to make choices for your health so he can answer your prayer?
In my own life, I know because of family history I am at risk for diabetes, thyroid, breast cancer and heart problems. Now, do I just pray and ask God to not let me have any of these health issues and live any lifestyle? Or do I ask to God for his protection of these illnesses but also make choices to exercise, eat healthy and let my body get rest that may help prevent these issues?
Sometimes we cannot prevent illness and have to rely on the mighty healing power of God. But you and I can make choices that will give us better health now and in the long run. Only you can make better health choices for yourself.
What poor health is plaguing you or might in the future? Are you exhausted and run down most of the time? What choices can you make to change theses things?
And as I have said before, God created you. You are a child of God. So why not make choices that honor God and our bodies so we are ready to be used by God?
Here are few ways to get started:
1. Give yourself a bed time. You require sleep so get it.
2. Add some healthy choices to your menu.
3. Pray to God for wisdom on healthy choices and ask for forgiveness on the choices you have made that have caused poor health.
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