As you clean out your closet, you are probably finding a lot of things you do not need. Closets easily become cluttered because we keep throwing more and more stuff in them. Sometimes we throw so much stuff in them that there is no room for the items the closet is supposed to store.
Does your life feel like your closet? You keep cramming more and more into the week that you are about to pop. You have stuffed so much busyness in to your week that there is no room for the important things in life.
Whether it is our closet or our life, we have to make sure we are choosing to arrange important items and choosing to clean out the not so important things that take up too much space. As you clean out your closet, I want you to really think about what you are trying to cram into your life. What in your life is like that shirt from 3 years ago that is just taking up space? Would you notice if it was not part of your life anymore? Would it be a relief to have that time back?
As you continue to work on your schedule from last week, make sure you are cleaning out your schedule like you clean out your closet.
January Action Plan:
Choose to clean out a closet
Find containers to store items on top shelf.
Try not to use your shelf under your clothes for items.
Try to designate a place for shoes (options coming tomorrow)
Organize by sections (dress and casual, colors or by sleeve length)
Week 3 Action Plan:
Choose to clean out your closet and memorize Psalm 100.
Week 3 Day 3 Action Plan:
Choose to thank God for providing you with life and ask for wisdom in your choices for your life.
Choose to read Matthew 6:25-34
Choose to jog or jump rope during every commercial break during a TV show.
Choose to wipe down the bathrooms. (Lysol wipes are fine.)
Choose to go to bed on time.
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