We are a super size nation. We super size our food, our homes, our cars, our stuff and our stress.
The other day as we were getting ready for dinner, my son makes a comment. He says he wished we had more money so we had more food at dinner. I had to laugh. He was shocked when I told him he was eating proportional sizes. But I realized his generation has been raised as a super sized generation.
A super size generation is not happy with meeting its needs, it thrives on getting what it wants whether it needs it or not. Choosing not to be satisfied and wanting more is only going to lead to unhappiness. We do not need super sized meals, super sized homes (that you do not want to clean), or super sized stuff (by price or size). We only need a super sized God (which I am so glad we have).
It is time to choose smaller portions that lead to much greater joy. Let's look at a few examples.
1. You choose to eat the large, super size portions. It may taste yummy for the moment, but afterwards you feel like crud. And eventually after too many super sized meals, you do not like what you see in the mirror.
If you choose smaller portions, you can save money because you split a meal or eat off the dollar menu which is a more appropriate portion size. You do not feel yucky afterwards and eventually your stomach is satisfied by the smaller amount. Choosing smaller portions equals a smaller waistline and more money.
2. You choose to up size your home with or without the fiances. It leads to more debt, more to clean, and if you are not careful, less time as a family. And all of those lead to more stress.
Do not choose a bigger home if you do not have the finances. It is not an option. Do not get caught up in the bigger home because it is the American dream. For generations, many families have survived and enjoyed their average size home. Choose to have a home you can easily make a place of refuge and a place to train your child in the ways of the Lord (it will be different for each person).
3. You keep choosing more stuff for your home and for yourself. More stuff only leads to more to clean, more to wash, more debt, less satisfaction. Be careful to define what is a need and what is a want.
4. Choose to have a super sized God. Choose to have a super sized relationship with Him. It will make you want a whole lot less and help you discern between needs and wants.
It is time we start choosing the right portions not just for ourselves but for the next generation. We can choose to stop obesity, selfishness, and dissatisfaction with life. It is our choice and our responsibility to teach the next generation.
January Action Plan
Choose to clean out a closet.
Week 3 Action Plan
Choose to stop putting off cleaning out your closet and clean it out. Choose to continue to memorize Psalm 100.
Week 3 Day 1 Action Plan
Choose to write a list of all God has given you and what he has done for you.
Choose to read Psalm 25. Isn't He a great God?
Choose to jog, dance or walk off those super size proportions you ate.
Choose to clean up the kitchen from this weekend.
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