Where is God in your life? I know some of you only miss church if you are sick or on vacation. Some of you actively serve in the church. Both of these are highly important. But do you glorify God in your physical health, with your family, in your home?
We get in the habit of keeping different parts of our lives separate. We keep work at work. We keep school and extra activities separate. And unfortunately, we keep God at church. When we start to choose to leave God at church, our lives fall apart around us (mess and stress).
Why would we want to keep the great Creator, Physician, Provider, Healer and Savior out of everything? Do you even think that God is the provider and everything you have is a gift from Him? Do you treat your things as a blessing or as stuff? Do you stop and think about who created you? Who cares enough to know the number of hairs on your head? Do you take care of that creation or let it go to waste? Do you remember that your family, your children are a gift from God? A gift He gave you to teach in His ways? It is time to choose to remember who we are, whose image we were created in, who blesses us with life and so many other things. We cannot leave God at church anymore.
We are God's masterpiece, choose to take care of your physical health through exercise and eating right.
Our children are a gift from God, choose to make training them the ways of the Lord a priority in your home.
God has blessed us with a roof over our head and more, choose to treat your home as a gift not junk.
God sent His Son to die for your sins, choose to take time just for God to praise Him and be with Him everyday.
January Action Plan:
Choose to clean out a closet (donate items to a local charity)
Week 1 Action Plan:
Choose to clean out and organize a junk drawer. Memorize your verse.
Day 3 Action Plan:
Choose to spend time thanking God for all He has given you. Even on our worst day, we are still truly blessed.
Choose to jump rope, jog, or dance for 15 minutes.
Choose to put away laundry that has been sitting out.
Choose to read your favorite childhood Bible story with your kids or to yourself.
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