Many frustrations are shared on the news or talk shows that magazines are displaying images of females that are impossible for teenage girls to obtain. Many are frustrated that professional athletes use steroids and set a bad an example for our children. Some parents now choose not to let their daughters play with Barbies because it gives girls an unrealistic view of body image. While we have a right to be concerned, we cannot put responsibility on them. How are you influencing others, especially the next generation, on physical health? Keeping them from Barbies and magazines is not enough. We must set the example.
Again, I want to clarify that I am not talking just about weight and appearance. If your weight, whether too low or too much, is affecting your health then please seek professional help. Your life is too precious to God.
Whether you realize it or not, your eating habits, your exercise habits and your sleep habits are being watched. It may be your own child, a friend or a student in your class. Now, if your habits are so bad, they may choose to be healthier because they see the effects of your poor choices. But I think we would all whether choose to be an example of healthy eating, exercise and a good night's sleep.
Have you chosen to eat healthy except for the occasional fast food? Do you choose to sit down and eat or is the car your dinner table? Do you choose to get exercise in some form at least three days a week? Do you choose to get a full nights rest or function on as little sleep as possible? Do you choose to even notice the example and habits you are setting?
We have a problem in this world. Our next generation is at unhealthy weights before they finish elementary school. Our generation has chosen to influence and allow our children to form unhealthy habits. The next generation also has a huge body image issue. Girls are a size double zero and feel fat. They are skipping lunch at school. Today as I sub here at a high school, I will witness several girls not eat their lunch. We can no longer choose to do nothing, not only for our own health, but for the next generation's health. We have a responsibility as Christians to nurture and train those around us. Will you choose to be an example for the next generation?
It doesn't matter whether you have exercised a day in your life. It doesn't matter if you have eaten a fruit or veggie this week. It doesn't matter if you have been living on four hours of sleep. Today and each day after, you can choose to be an example.
If you struggle with food, whether it is over eating or under eating, you will have to make choices to correct those habits. If you struggle with doing anything but sitting on the couch after a long day, then you will have to make choices to get up and move. If you choose to stay up way too late, then you will have to choose to look at changing your schedule. And if you will not make changes for yourself, then choose to make these changes for those around you. Make them for that little blond haired, blue eyed kid who loves you and wants to be just like you.
1. Choose to sit down and eat.
Make dinner a time to sit and eat. Even if you have had a crazy, busy day, you need to stop and eat. On days I just do not feel like cooking or the schedule does not allow it, I may pick up something to eat. But I just get the main course and I take it home and pull out some fresh veggies, salad or fruit to go with it. We also drink something healthier at home. One, it saves money, but we still get the nutrients even on a crazy day.
2. Choose to keep junk out of the house.
I love chocolate. I have a severe weakness for it. I have to limit the amount I bring into the home because I will eat it. Choose to keep snacks that have some benefit to them and not keep on hand the things that will cause you to munch when you are stressed.
3. Choose to get moving and have fun.
Play tag outside with your kids, go for a walk, jump rope, go for a bike ride, sit on the floor and do exercises while watching TV. Just move and move with others so it is more fun. We have to find a way to enjoy exercise so others will want to enjoy it too.
4. Choose to schedule your sleep.
Give everyone in your house a bedtime including yourself. You know what time you have to get up. You know what has to be done before you go to bed. Schedule it and get the rest you need.
If we make choices to be healthier, we become better people. We are happier because we feel better with rest and the right nutrients. We are not only setting examples to be healthy but it is a lot easier to be joyful and loving when you are rested and healthy.
I could go in more detail about exercise and eating habits. But I know you probably know what you need to do. I just want to encourage you to choose to be a healthy example. If you need encouragement, just look at those younger ones around you; even the ones you do not know. As we set an example for others, they set an example for someone else. Your choice to be healthy may influence someone you do not know or that great great grandchild you may never know. Your choice can influence generations to come. So please choose to be healthy and have healthy habits not just for you but for others. Let's not gripe anymore about other influences, let's choose to become the influence.
1. Take time to notice who you are influencing
2. Look at changes you need to make to become a better influence
3. Choose to eat well today
4. Choose to exercise
5. Choose to go to bed and get a good night's rest.
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