Friday, September 4, 2009

Blog 6 Section 2: Choosing What Influences You

Section 2
Influences on Your Physical Appearance

Think for a moment about the different decades and different thin sizes over those decades. Try to not let the hair distract in the eighties. One great example is Daisy Duke from the Dukes of Hazzard. All boys had a crush on the original Daisy and a lot of southern girls wanted to be Daisy. Now compare her to Jessica Simpson as Daisy. The girl had a rigorous workout to pull off that look. Both looked great, but there was a difference in their size. But again the world changes it views on what is hot.

We choose to let the world influence how we look and view ourselves. We either beat ourselves up or go through crash diets to be thin or we choose to take the new approach of the world and say accept me as I am so we don't have to exercise and grab another piece of chocolate.
Both of those choices are wrong. I am not going to focus on your size and weight. There is no scripture telling us what is the right size and weight. So, I want to look at two things: what we know about bodies and where our focus should be.

1 We know our bodies are a temple for the Holy Spirit and we have been chosen by God to serve Him and others. You may have been called to be a mom, serve on a Church staff, serve overseas, be a teacher, be in the workforce full time or maybe for now you are a student. Whatever your calling, you need to be in good physical health. As we talked before, eating right, exercise and rest will affect the work you do for the Lord. We have to choose a healthy lifestyle. We can no longer let the world tell us what size we should be. (If your weight is causing health issues or keeping you from being able to do things, then please seek professional help from a doctor. And that is not just for those who are overweight. Being too thin can hinder you also.)

Look for a moment at The Wife of A Noble Character in Proverbs 31:10-31. She was a busy woman, but we know she had to be in good physical shape. Scripture talks about her arms being strong for her task. If she was getting up early every morning, she had to be getting rest. Now her work alone was probably her workout. But thanks to technology, we do not have as much physical labor. We have to choose to get exercise but it still can be part of something else we are already doing.

If time is an issue then we have to choose a way to make it work in our schedule. Cleaning your house is a workout. Go for a walk with family or friends while talking about the day. Dance around the living room by yourself or with your kids. Play a sport you use to enjoy. Exercise while watching TV. While at your kids practice, don’t sit and talk, get up and walk. Stop waiting until you can get to the gym, choose to put it in your schedule.

2. If we are consumed about the way we look, it takes our focus off God. We are comparing ourselves to the models we see instead of comparing ourselves to Christ. We let those people on TV have way to much influence. We cannot let complete strangers make us feel ugly or be comfortable with a weight that is unhealthy.

Our focus has to change and we cannot let the focus consume us. Choose to take care of your health because you belong to God not to this world. (John 15:19)

1. Remind yourself you are chosen by God and made in His image.
2. Be honest if your weight or lack of exercise is affecting your health. Choose to get professional help if needed.
3. Look at the time you focus and complain about your looks. Choose to see who you are in Christ.
4. Go have fun with friends or family by doing something active. Choose to turn off the TV and be active.

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