Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It is all God's

I took a little break, but I am back. I am looking forward to guiding you to a life of less mess and stress. We are going to do things a little different on the blog, but my prayer is that it enables you to live it out.

But before we start it next week, I have one thought to share with you.

Your life, Your home, Your family and Your body all belong to God, are a gift from God and were created by God.
Please spend few days before God acknowledging these facts. Ask God to change your mind set that everything is yours and change it to everything is His.
Your children belong to God, you were chosen to raise them in the ways of the Lord in your home (also a gift from God).
You were created by God so that you may glorify Him and be used by Him.
You are God's child, chosen by Him.
As you change your mind set, will you be ready to live out your life as if it all belongs to God?
I am looking forward to Monday when we begin this journey together.

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