Too many people, especially women, do not like themselves. You may not like the way you look, the way you act or where you are spiritually. You get mad and become your biggest critic. And some of you have been mad at yourself for so long, you may even be depressed. It is time to get out of this endless cycle of beating ourselves up and make choices that respect ourselves.
It doesn't matter if you are 100 lbs or 600 lbs. It doesn't matter if you picked up a bible yesterday or a year ago. It doesn't matter if the last vegetable you ate was last night or last week. It doesn't matter if your tongue slipped this morning or everyday. Today we will make a choice to respect ourselves. Today we will choose to treat ourselves like a child of God.
My dear sweet friend, you are a daughter or son of God. You are royalty. Your body, mind, heart and soul belong to God. Now, we have to choose to treat ourselves like we are God's child. It is time we should see ourselves as a child of God when we look in the mirror.
1. Choose to exercise, get rest and eat right.
We have discussed the importance of this in a previous blog. I want to say it again. You have to choice to take care of your physical body and health. It affects you. Not just risking the chance of a heart attack but your attitude. Daily exercise with the right nutrients helps you feel better. You have more energy and will be in a better mood. When you look in the mirror you will see a person who takes care of his/her physical health. You will gain respect for yourself.
2. Choose to fill your yourself carefully.
You have to limit the amount of worldly influence on your mind. Be very careful on what and how much you watch. We constantly hear about how skinny models and actors are providing a negative influence. But have you realized how much you might be comparing yourself or your life to a character on TV, in a book or in a movie. You compare your life to another one. You desire to have that spouse, that home, that affair. Your happiness with your own life is measured by how others seem happy in theirs (whether fiction or reality). It is a very sneaky trap that catches us and makes us unhappy with our own lives.
The only thing that is going to fill that emptiness is Christ, not another person or more stuff. You cannot experience true joy without Christ. You need to fill your mind with God's truth. You need to open your heart to God's love and refill it daily.
The longer you keep trying to fill that emptiness with other things, the longer you will feel miserable. You are God's child and need to be filled with your Father's love. It a precious gift from God. Take it.
3. Choose to see forgiveness.
You are human. You have a free will. You will mess up. But once you do, seek forgiveness from Christ and forgive yourself. Do not let the enemy hold it over your head. When you look in the mirror see God's forgiven child, not your past sins.
4. Choose to remember who you are.
When you look in the mirror today, remind yourself that you are a child of God. You are His princess/prince. Now, go live your life today as a child of God.
5. Choose to do these steps daily.
As you began to take care of yourself physically and spiritually, you will feel much better. You will respect yourself because you have made better choices as a child of God.
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1
"5Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace;"
Romans 8:5-6
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